Friday, November 16, 2007


things change..
people move on..
and life..
it goes on...

To be politically correct

i really didn't want to write about politicians in my blog because they get their due from thousands already.

This is just for a show of solidarity to all bloggers out there fighting a silent battle through their mighty words and writey pens..

Sometime back, i had written about mutual blackmail in political throes..Now, we see the implications , from Islamabad to India, from Nondigram to US, Baghdad to Cuba. The shamelessness jangles my dear and the reverberations are heard in every brain worth it's grey cells.
See the pattern?

Nuke deal and Godhra...Saddam to Imran, Mush to Bush, the hypocrisy shines through more than those shiny bald heads hidden beneath the supreme white "Gandhi topis", turbans, caps and hats!!.

I would laugh at the joke my dear politicians if it wasn't for the lives of people you are playing with..

Footnote: Headlines on all channels went, "Left goes soft on Nuke deal". Wonder why that sounds 'oh-so-predictable' after the Nondigram issue.On the other side of the fence, "Bhutto taken off from house arrest".Propaganda? Nah! That's politics!!!