My mother says i have the most beautiful face in the world. I am her first born.
When i feel my father's eyes on me i see pride, certainly that and a regret now that i have left him and have a new man in my life.
When i feel my father's eyes on me i see pride, certainly that and a regret now that i have left him and have a new man in my life.
My husband says i would have had a forgettable face except for my small eyes. They are very expressive and say even without words and sometimes despite the words.
My brothers make fun of my buck tooth, the one in front that was broken into half and now i have got it made. But that's only when they are making fun. Other times when i am sad, they tell me their sister is beautiful..not beautiful really but very attractive specially when she's got those tears in her eyes.But that's to make me laugh.
Shreya, my five year old niece, says i am the most beautiful in the whole world. But when she's sleeping on my lap she asks me if she'll be ever as pretty as her mother..a question she has heard from everyone around her..
When they, my joint extended family , sit down to grade faces, my face comes last. Not ugly but not the very beautiful.
Every beautician i have ever visited had told me they have never seen such a stark difference in the skin of anyone's face and body. The body soft, blemish less and the face filled with patches, freckles and sun burns and darker, much darker than the rest of my body. They say it's mostly the other way round.
All my cousins, the young toddling to the school going ones take pains to put put those signature two dots on their faces to look like me. Mine are those tiny black moles though.The beauty spots not beautiful to some, the ones who say i should take it off with surgery.
The old ladies in the villages take my face in between their palms and smile their beautiful toothless smiles, a look of regret in their eyes thinking of the days their face too did not have wrinkles and i look at them thinking of the day my face with be like theirs.
One of my friends says my face has a lot of character, that makes you believe you can withstand storms and my eyes are like a lighthouse that give you hope.
My ex says i have a haunting face that keeps coming up when you lose things precious to you.
One of my cousins says i should never be sent on diplomatic meetings, neither should i play poker. She says my face is too transparent. They don't tell me their secret jokes.
One of my cousins says i should never be sent on diplomatic meetings, neither should i play poker. She says my face is too transparent. They don't tell me their secret jokes.
Suka, our office assistant, says i look like an old lady who's lost all her battles and is standing on the battlefield, with the pride fallen but the spirit not yet.
Many people tell me my face scares them as if they can hide nothing from me.
Many people have come up to me and told me they have seen my face somewhere. Either somewhere or my face is too commonplace.
Many people tell me my face scares them as if they can hide nothing from me.
Many people have come up to me and told me they have seen my face somewhere. Either somewhere or my face is too commonplace.
I look at my face in the mirror and i think if i am beautiful....
In India the total spending on beauty products is approx $6 billion and still growing and in elementary education $6.7 billion..Does this say anything about our fascination with beauty and attaining the hypothetical standards in beauty? We are always compared with that standard since the day we take birth..questions asked about how sharp the nose is, who the baby goes after.. fair or dark? The buck tooth would result in not finding a husband..?? I am sure such standards are set wor;ld over..why does beauty take such precedence over merit and virtues... Why?? When beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder why is beauty given so much importance and why is a child scarred for life and banished to a life in front of mirror???
In India the total spending on beauty products is approx $6 billion and still growing and in elementary education $6.7 billion..Does this say anything about our fascination with beauty and attaining the hypothetical standards in beauty? We are always compared with that standard since the day we take birth..questions asked about how sharp the nose is, who the baby goes after.. fair or dark? The buck tooth would result in not finding a husband..?? I am sure such standards are set wor;ld over..why does beauty take such precedence over merit and virtues... Why?? When beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder why is beauty given so much importance and why is a child scarred for life and banished to a life in front of mirror???