Wednesday, December 5, 2012

and so i break, bit by bit

Go look for another house

this time don't find a house of clay
i'm breaking bit by bit
the storms are strong and many
there isn't any respite
and i cannot hold out any longer

i am breaking bit by bit

go, find a stronger house

or build a strong one of your own
i cannot protect you anymore

you deserve better.
don't try to save me
i was never strong

i didn't have the time to bake myself
to turn the mud into strong burnt clay

maybe when i melt into the sea,
maybe i will disappear into the nothingness
but i cannot be this clay house anymore
i'm dying bit by bit
i need to be something else
i need to be something new

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Sense of An Ending

No, this is not a review of the book, though i think it's one of the best books written that i have read in the recent history.

I'm leaving Mumbai. Yes, after three years of the love hate relationship i'm leaving this crazy city. I still have three months to go, but the sense of the ending has already seeped in. Going through my blog list of these last three years i realised i've written so less and less and whatever i have- Mumbai has been the central character, the side character, the background. Strangely, my life has also revolved around this witch, mumbai.

The first year of crazy travels , the second year of new work place, new friends, the third and final year of consolidating a lot of these, cementing something that is for life, at least mine.

i've been trying to ask myself about my feelings about this city. Like everything else in my life, i'm confused. Some times i just adore this city, so safe for women, such a large heart. Sometimes i get annoyed by her and her own, her arrogance. When i came to Mumbai, i took to her instantly. the love hate relationship continued and as i leave her, it's a strange feeling. I want to go away. i don't want to be here anymore. i get tired by her. i get pushed to the brink, always living on the edge.

On the other side of living in the edge, i have learnt so much from her. the professionalism, the equaliser, the city of dreams.i will miss her. i will miss the city.

..a solitary walk, mayhem inside...another turn, a bend in the road, unsure, a bit afraid..

I leave this city with mixed feelings..we've given up on each other, this city and I..we're both tired, broken,crowded, let down by our own. 

I will miss her. She made me crazy in her craziness. She didn't give me any time to think about anything but her. She's been the second woman in my life last three I break away..with mixed feelings..

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Feminism and all that jazz

WIKIPEDIA: Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defendingequal political, economic, and social rights for women.[1][2] In addition, feminism seeks to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist is "an advocate or supporter of the rights and equality of women".[3]

I have prided myself in being a feminist. Always have. And like the varied definitions of feminism, i have mine. I define feminism as the belief that a woman should assert her right as an individual without any fear. But as evident from this definition i can be a feminist till the donkeys come home without changing, practically,  a sand in the whole universe. 

Unless the belief, that women should have equal opportunities to men,  is changed to actual action- where women start using the opportunities and that is treated with respect, without prejudices, nothing will change. Every feminist will be ridiculed, all action by a woman to be what she deserves and is rightfully hers will be denied. The woman will assert her right at her home, her workplace, family and friends and still feel defeated.

It's the paradox we work in. To make this simpler, a few examples.

You will meet a certain kind of people who hate feminists. They say, it's a fad. Maybe it is. Who cares. But let's have some facts. I will actually leave it on you to research.What is the ratio of men: women in the world?  How many women are in the top management of any country, organisation, force? What percentage of those women comes from economically marginalised community? What percentage of the world's women population has the flexibility to take decisions around her life, her marriage, her child birth, family planning, budgets , what they eat, what they wear.  What percentage actually uses that flexibility? What percentage of the world's population is a part of domestic violence? What percentage of that are girls and women? How many of those are from the economically deprived sections?

let's take the story of any modern woman and man.

She has chosen not to get married till she finds the "right" man. She gets married  to a guy who calls himself a feminist. She is  amazed to finally find that one man in the universe who is sensitive, understands patriarchy, is learned, well read and well versed in world literature. Until the honeymoon is over. Literally.

Then she realises he hates it if she tells him to flush the toilet after use. Because it's his life and he has the right to live like he likes. She starts flushing the toilet then after. On some good days he does it himself. But this scenario pretty much prevails in all matters of matrimony, be it buying groceries, cooking , cleaning, spending money, anything and everything. She tries to understand the history , to understand where it is coming from and then at one point she realises all that both are doing is just a sad effort to gloss over which isn't right in the first place. The well learned  man has made a unconscious(Maybe conscious sometimes) choice to be the "man". Nothing she does will change it. In fact , the more she asserts her rights the more rigid and closed he will become.  It has nothing to do with what the man thinks in his mind. Over the years, without knowing, the belief system of "what women should be" has become a part of the subconsciousness .  Who wins , who loses. One day, she wants to give up and pick up the charade of being the ideal wife.  And that's the charade the wives of the world live in. Not because they love it but the choice of being themselves does not exist.

This results in reaffirming the cycle of patriarchy where the hearts and wills of women are broken down everyday. 

In your workplace, she works hard, gets paid the least , is committed, work in creating a positive environment, smiles and enjoys what she does. And when the promotion comes around, she hears the snide remarks of using her femininity to get higher in her career. Apparently her fault that guys look at her as an object. She has to learn to hide herself, o be unheard , to be unseen, under "proper" attire. 

Also, in a scenario where a wrong has been done and a woman raises her voice, she's accused of being a feminist. "Accused". Really. 

In the same scenario, because this prejudice exists, women actually learn to use the "desirability quotient" to get by in tough circumstances. They have inherently learnt the act of the look, the shake, the smile, the tear, the pathos to get by. It's sometimes hilarious to be  part of these theatricals but i somehow don't blame the women very much. In my mind i have debated this quite often and even while allocating some amount of blame on the woman i always appropriate much of it on the "brilliant" man who's made a choice to be blinded by prejudice.  

My mother keeps telling me i should never pick up fights with my husband, i should keep quiet unless necessary ( my necessity and her necessity have different definitions is a different discussion), i get told about "his" favourite cuisines that i should cook. No one gives a damn that i might have a choice, that i might not want to do all this. You speak your mind and you challenge every laid down stereotype without being the "demure" woman you're supposed to be.

And let me tell you, not all women are feminist either. Most women have deep rooted patriarchy just like the men do. And the reverse is true as well. The feminist or "women sensitive" people as i like to call them are too few and too far in between, amongst men and women equally. It is also difficult for a man to be a feminist as well. 

I still await when the mindsets will change, not in words but in actions. And this is not some random girl's story, it's my story, it's my neighbor's story, it's my friend's story and my family's story. Every woman you see has a story that she's never told. Every woman you meet has a story of broken dreams. It cuts across the domains of family, work and society. Ask the man and his story will have a woman's story that changed him as well.

Patriarchy is the basis of all forms gender based violence, specially against women. I will write about that separately. The violence against gay, lesbian and bisexuals is also because of deep rooted partriarchy and anything that goes beyond or challenges it is dealt with skepticism in most cases and violence is many. 

But beyond the stories, the realities have to change. I've not turned hopeless yet. Things are changing and will change. In one age i would have been burnt at stake for saying this. But today i can argue my case, i can talk about it in an open medium. Look forward to the stoic silences and some ferocious debates after i've posted this.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dasra Social Impact-Cohort-6

If you have been wondering what i have been doing besides working at Magic Bus.

One thing i can guarantee: my life has never a dull moment.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Some days

Some days, i'm just done. Done with the craziness, the lies, the insensitivity, the expectations, the everything.

And those days are almost always like 'some days' . i want to move on. Anything anyone says is like a falsetto, only less musical. A cacophony. A phoney. Who phoney? Me phoney? Me phoney. i feel like a phoney. Every word i say, i write, i don't feel the words. What i want to say, there are no words. What i feel, too basic for any word.

All false. Every word i read, it feels like an exaggeration, at effort, to look different, to catch the eye. It catches and then loses. No feeling. Every other person is trying to be. A wannabe. Please stop proving to me who you are. I seriously do not care. So do not try to impress me. I don't want to be impressed. I catch your false notes too easily. Do not shroud yourself in mystery. Please don't make the effort. I will not make an effort to disbelieve, Be yourself. I shall believe.

I'm sure there is nothing wrong with people. It is me. I have had my fill. I'm done. Can i become a bairaagi? A hermit? I'm too restless. Too much of myself. too much into myself to fit into that role. Where would i go anyways? No one and nothing will make me happy. Because i'm not happy with myself. This isn't what i am. This isn't what i want.

i live in between to extremes. Hopelessness, utter disillusionment with falsehood, with lies, with manipulation . And then some hope.

Today, i'm searching for some hope again. Hope i find some hope. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Noise of Silence

ख़ामोशी की आवाज़  सुनाई नहीं देती अब 
तो ख़ामोशी से डर लगता है 

I can't hear silence anymore

in the silence of early morning
i hear the sound of AC running

a child crying in the house below
a sound of a speeding truck
the hoot of the train from the station
the few birds having a conversation
i think about their woes

i hear the shrill of the whistle
the shouts and screams of people
the chaos of the city in day and night

and when i don't want to hear this anymore
i hear the evil look on a face
i hear the jealousies
i hear the scheming and planning behind the shrouded eyes

i also hear the pain of the scorned
i hear the agony in the distant call
i hear the hiding the pain in a smile
i hear the manipulation in the cry

i hear i hear i hear
i want the sound of silence
but even when every noise dies down
only a soft snore on my bed
the voices in mind wake up
i hear the past
i hear the future

no , i don't hear silence anymore.

Monday, April 30, 2012

An ass of you and me

Ok, Not an apt title for a post being written after a such a long time.  But what the hell. My husband once told me , never assume, because when you do , you make an "ass" of "u" and "me". And guess what? Every day i find that i live my life based on numerous assumptions and presumptions. Every thought, every action is a result of some assumption made , something presumed.

There was a person who told me i use a lot of "i" in my blog. So, i must be very self obsessed. Truth is, i am. I do not have the energy to make judgements on someone's ese's thoughts and actions and neither do i feel anyone else needs to carry the burden of mine. I have little faith in the collective thought. A collective thought is always a product of individual thinking and choice, even to become a part of the collective. So, i feel liable for noone, hence the lack of "we". I can be responsible only for myself, my thoughts and my action.

That brings me to my next idea. So, people judge. Naturally. I have heard various theories on this. The theory that i have most liked and cultivated is that, it is again an individual choice to judge, to assume. Also, if there is judgement on something or someone, at one level, it is always the desire to rationalise what you do not own or understand. Like what i am doing right now. I don't get judgement. So i rationalise. I need an answer so i make an assumption. But, to what outcome? Once the rationalisation is made, the assumption created, it is followed by a full stop. No seeking the truth. Just looking at something or someone from your own lens. Which, obviously, might be true. But , very obviously, might not as well.

Believe it or not, people have theories on me. Someone yesterday told me i should change jobs, because i'm not the person i used to be. Which again brings me to the next idea. Am i a product of circumstances or do i chose to become what i am in any circumstance. I believe it is the latter. I do not get too involved in circumstances . And as i am very "self obssessed" i feel like an audience to my own life. I look at what i think, how i act, what choices i make in those circumstances. But, very rarely is it an unconcious decision. Professionally, i might be boggled down by difficult people, by difficult situations, but how does it actually play out in my life, personally? I look at myself being difficult for other people as well. I do carry work home sometimes, but it's only the work. I don't feel obligated or responsible to anyone, except what in my mind, i've decided is my responsibility.

Personally, i do not have many friends. i might just say, i have none. I have zillions of "friends" who i share things with, i share some thoughts, i share some time, some moments. But that is all it is. They all might think that they own parts of me, and i'm sure they do, certain kind of importance at certain times. But after a point, no one owns me completely as i own no one. I do seek companions , but after a while, i feel bored or an intruder , a trespasser, i do not belong. I am , perhaps, momentary, if you could define a person like that. I live in fantastic moments. But they are moments. Some lasting seconds, like a familiar look on a stranger's face . Some parts of life are like long played out moments. I am,  at the same time an actor and an audience. Even with people who are closest to me, i find judgements and assumptions made by all parties involved.  I try to analyse if it is only me, if only i am an ant-society but i find everyone living in their own space and own time. For every action i make i am  judged by someone. But as long as i don't feel accountable, i am not answerable for the judgement based on whatver assumptions and presumptions that person has made.  Again, being close to someone is an assumption i make. It is in my mind. A person might tell you that s/he is close, you might think so, but in reality, what is the closeness but an assumption of the mind. Sometime's with the closest person, i get shunned or closed out, because i am not invited to share that moment, that space, that time. For that specific moment, i am a stranger to that person, however close s/he or i might claim to be.

But even after all the assumptions and presumptions, there's a torrent of new ideas, a breath of fresh cool air in a hot humid afternoon and I laugh internally at the assumptions i have made on different situations and have been proven wrong. I feel elated when i have to eat an humble pie because of something i had presumed. I feel cynical when something i had assumed is proven right. But even then, i look forward to the some times when i am wrong. It means, i still do not know. It therefore means, there is still hope. A reason to blog again, next time.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The alternative

Mumbai , the city that's given unlimited choices to its inhabitants has itself grown on very limited options. An island city has been pushed to the limits, it's seas have been filled up , it's land has been usurped by houses for its millions, it's air has been polluted by the mills , industries and honking vehicles on the streets and its soul mutilated by the people who are so-called saviours of the city.

People seemed really surprised that the voter turnout in the elections was so less. The debates were quite entertaining with arguments varying in range with  sections claiming 3 % incraese from last time, some claiming inflated and false voter list, some talking about lack of social responsibility to some attributing it to lack of holidays this year. The fact of the matter is, people do not go to vote.And it is not because they don't want to but because there is no alternative or maybe the alternative isn't that exciting .

Mumbai had an option of Shiv Sena, NCP and Congress with MNS , BJP adding some saffron to the curry which anyway had left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Now, with the obvious lack of alternatives, if people chose to stay away, could you really blame them.

This isn't just Mumbai. It is the same for Odisha, Jharkhand, India, Hungary(for you my friend) and most countries in the world where uprisings, political coups have become the rule of the day. The disillusionment, anger is obvious but the question still is , what is the alternative? The capitalist world obviously has no place for socialism or communism . The countries which claim to be so are at best pseudo-you know what.

As i've never been really worried about any problem and always look for the answers, this one's a real bouncer. Who do you elect/ select as your leader? Where are the leaders, the inspiring? All you get to see now a days are self-obsessed ego driven megalomaniacs , who are so insecure that they take refuge in manipulation, petty politics, aggression  and false image building. Sadly, nothing works. India is fighting to staiblise amongst all the scams, allegations and counter-allegations.The alternatives do not exist. No one,  till date, understands who runs Pakistan. The US is running so many countries (really badly is not the point here), with no stratgey to run its own, the European countries are struggling with their economy which has been doing a roller coaster since almost 12-15 years and most of its leaders from Putin, to Sarkozi to name o few in news for everything except good governance. Russia is a poor caricature of itself after the downfall of the Soviet Union. Back home every state is fighting to create an image, every party is riddled with lack of a leadership, with Sonia being a somewhat odd atlas carrying the burden of legacy in Congress. The states which have done great brand building, buying out the media or owning it, run a mafia in its state selling off its resources , quietly, silencing every voice of dissent.

Just read today that there's a third front brewing up with Mr Naveen Patnaik, Ms Banerjee, Ms Elephant, err Mayawati, Ms Jayalalitha and Nitish Kumar which is anti congress and anti BJP. 

Will the voters come out and vote for this strange group of spinsters, bachelor and widower , an alliance of the desperate, is the next question . 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Broken Thoughts

Broken glass , china cups broken
And in the shards i look for an answer

to the broken dreams
the broken promises
the unfulfilled expectations

i blame myself and some more
for the broken silences
the broken dams

i look around for some glue
to fix the broken glass and the china cups

but the cracks show
the scars remain

Saturday, January 28, 2012


A dog died today.

The last thing it saw was me trying to make it drink some water, praying that it would live but knowing it's time had come.

Life is strange. Just a moment and it is gone.

Sunday, January 1, 2012