Monday, September 3, 2007

Birth pangs...

...There will always be birth pangs...there will be a few false starts..there will be the pain, yet the committment, the anticipation, the expectation...
There will always be a period when i don't know what my offspring will look like..and yet i'll nurture and value every one of them..Each of them will carry my values , my feelings..each of them will have my signature..each of them will reflect what i have felt..each will be a reflection of its own..My articles here will be me..they will be words..the silent words..but the noise will be heard all who want also those who don't..
Anyone who cares to read through will hear the silent noise , the soft yet strong voice which wants to be heard..Yes, there will be those pangs, there will be first cry..there will be the first word..then a cacaphony...maybe it won't make any sense in the beginning....maybe it will be a cacaphony..There will be sleepless nights, there will be the first steps, there will be the toddling, the woodling..But finally..i know it will grow into a wonderful being..with a voice of its own..and finally it will all be worth it..

1 comment:

Angry Voices said...

When you equate the birth of a universe to the birth of a child, it's a long period of tense anticipation followed by a big bang of sound and an ensuing period of chaos.

And then there are phone bills :P