Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I have noone to blame...

Life teaches you a lesson. You miss it. You forget it. You ignore it.

And then ? You commit the same mistake twice. And this time around, there's no one to blame except one person- Yourself.


Anonymous said...

hey vinnani, kan hela?.....after such a long time u post a blog and its about blaming yourself?.....is evertything ok?

love and hugs

Kaufer Virag said...

Vini, how many times I have been through this I cannot tell you...I am bored of keep forgetting my mistakes and not living what I know.

By the way, what happened to you? Why is this blog silent and not noisy?

Macadamia The Nut said...

Thats life
Ah well..
Where have you been?

Ravi Shankar said...

Its fun to make some mistakes..
And Mistakes are just the way you look at it... You decide based on certain circumsatnces that this particular event was mistake.. May be it was not you..
Every time you are broken hearted u say its mistake.. But you do not stop yourself from Loving again.. I for sure would like to commit such Mistakes always...

I know it does not make sense.. But it does to me ..
Posting it is not my mistake ...
Publishing it could be on your part..
Or Maybe not
Cheers Gal TC