Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mini Mouse

Mini Mouse,

You are probably in the airport now
Bidding goodbye to your life in mumbai

Just wanted to tell you
you are already being terribly missed
by a crazy woman who's crazy about you
(and also probably by a few more
and the sev puri guy)

In another world she would have hated you
The indian american india hater
but that would have been in the other world
In this world you are more indian than she is
Proper, traditional in many more ways
made her realise
you don't actually hate india
but certain "indianisms"

what she will remember is to look at india
with the objectivity that you had
because you put india at par with the world
and showed her that we couldn't
do a "chalta hai" just because.
To sit up and take notice
and take a stand
not to take everything lying down
Just because.

Crazy Mouse, the conversations will be missed
The discussions on development, poverty and strategies
will now be dead
at least for sometime.

Will also miss the crazy sanyal eyes
the girly giggles at anything and everything
the ranting sessions
who else will be the alter ego
for the daily dilemmas
no one to hug to death

What obviously will be good
is that no more cheesy pizzas
no more craving for sweets
Though "mishti doi" will be sourly missed.

But also, no more chai session,
no morning poha
no one to shared the afternoon snack craving
no evening walking back together
no promises to exercise and diet
to break them

So mouse, take care of yourself
i can already see you rolling your eyes
at the public embarrassment
But what the hell
that's something i give you
a bit of my craziness
a public hug

Take care of yourself in the new city
And keep the faith.

Also wanted to tell you
i want that frock
and i will keep your cupboard

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