Sunday, January 3, 2016

The burden of my own words

This year, i decided to break my own tradition of writing an year end post and making a wish list for next year. For one, it seems to be the same routine every year and then, i just couldn't make myself write anything. In the past few years, i have stopped writing regularly and i am having to push myself to abide by my own ghost in the past to keep writing, to not allow my words to dry out. But if your heart isn't in it, the brain can only churn out words that have limited meaning and no feel.Strange mood to be in a new year. 

The good thing was being home.

There is something about home. 

about being with family. 

about snuggling your feet together under one blanket 

and talking about random things, 
there's something about Päpä's hyperactivity 

to ensure we get a hundred star treatment always, 
there's something about being stuffed till your head 

and still make space for what mom makes for you, 

there's something about waking up whenever you want to 

and going off to sleep mid sentence 
and then waking up to see multiple snoozing heads around, 

there is something about seeing little ones grow young 

and the old ones older,
there is something about hearing old fights melt away in the kitchen 

and smiling silently in happiness,

there's something about being carefree,
something about getting your hair oiled 

and back scrubbed in the winter sun, 

there's something about visiting your old hangouts, 
accidentally meeting people on the road 
and counting their age lines and wrinkles in the happiest smiles, 
there's something about losing some old landmarks, 
there's something about seeing new ones come up, 

there's something about reminiscing about the past, 
there's something about reliving your life.. 
there's something about home..

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