Saturday, March 8, 2025

Happy Women’s Day 2025 !

To the incredible women-

who rise, not because of a day,

but despite the weight of history,

despite the quiet exclusions,

the unspoken rules,

the ceilings made of glass and stone.

To the men who see -

who do not treat women as tokens,

who do not turn them into goddesses,

but as equals, as humans,

who recognize their privilege,

of being a man in a man’s world, 

and use it not as power,

but as responsibility.

who stand beside women,

who listen,

who learn,

who choose to act.

This day is not for flowers or praise,

not for fleeting gestures,

but for reflection, for reckoning.

For asking—how far have we come?

And how much further must we go?

Women are here,

not because the world made space for them,

but because they carved it out,

fought for it,

claimed it.




But “here” is still far behind 

And to get “there” is a long walk

So today, and every day after,

more power to the women.

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