Monday, October 29, 2007

The story of two owls

This story begins with the birth of "Shona", the beautiful owl...Actually , to be precise , sometime earlier than that..The day her beloved "Shonu" was born..He was perfect..As perfect an owl could be..Big eyes, beautiful coat, elegant beak and a much more beautiful heart..But he had just one tiny flaw. He was mute..He could never speak. As he grew, he heard the world , helped his friends and family , bettered himself every moment and drowned every pain in his eyes.He understood everyone but noone even made the effort for him..His eyes tried expressing his thoughts, but who cared?In a world where language of words are misinterpreted what chance had he with his eyes?He was alone in this world..Loving everyone, making the dreams of his family a reality.He had forgotton his own life..He had accepted that life for him was that- a life lived for everyone else but himself....

And then on a perfectly perfect day,as she was flying away, Shona saw him, her perfect Shonu, lost in his thoughts, with tears in his eyes and stopped...Divinity knows what made her do that...Oh! Shona. Forgot to tell you about her. She lived in a tree just beside Shonu's tree. She too was perfection in herself. Beautiful, caring, loving and everything that you can call beautiful, just like her Shonu. No , she wasn't mute. Just the opposite. Talkative to the hilt. As if God had given her two mouths instead of one. She was always talking..and when noone was around, singing to herself..Everyone said she was one of the happiest creatures in the world. But, they didn't know her. She hid her pain in her smiles, in her incessant chattering and bubbly chirping.. Noone knew the fear that haunted her every moment . It was her artificail shield to save her from the vultures that lived in her tree..Those vultures who had picked at her since she could remember and left scars for life..She hid those scars well..beneath her lovely coat..And yes, She met her Shonu and he met her...

It was the moment the magic began. Shonu never understood why he loved Shona. And he loved her with his life. And Shona's life was Shonu. If he felt her to be his extension, She felt herself become complete with him. If they were perfect individually , together they were a phenomena. The language of words was never missed. They communicated easily, with their beautiful eyes, Sharing and loving each other with everything they had.Shona forgot her every fear and Shonu found his perfect ex-pression withount any words.But they lived with the vultures. Noone knows till today how they ended up in trees with vultures. And they had become there family. Shonu was married off to a vulture of a far away tree, who never understood Shonu. Shonu accepted, as he had , everything in his life.A sacrifice that he thoughtt he owed to them. He tried to forget Shona. Maybe he did.

And Shona. She still sits on her tree. Long after all vultures have gone to sleep, she looks at Shonu's tree and sometimes can see his eyes, gleaming with tears, just like the day, she had first met him...

1 comment:

Winnie the poohi said...


Your prose is more poetic than your poems :-)